Lining Up His Strawberries this Morning
(prior to bruise on head)
I'm not too proud to admit my faults, especially when it could potentially benefit someone else. The reason I am writing this is because today Payton fell out of a grocery cart. It scared the life out of me! We were leaving Toys R Us after returning a broken tambourine Jonathan and I had bought for Sawyer for his birthday. I had purchased diapers and put them under the cart and when we were going through the parking lot the diapers fell out from under the cart and brought the cart to a screeching halt. Payton lost his balance and flipped over the front end of the cart and caught his forehead on the parking lot asphalt.
So, lesson learned:
Even if Payton throws a fit because he doesn't want to do something, like be buckled into a grocery cart, I'm not giving in for the sake of avoiding a tantrum anymore. I know what's best for him, that's why I am the parent and he is not. I just thought I'd share because sometimes we (including me, obviously) think we're immune to the warnings on grocery carts, toys, etc. but we're not. It's probably happened 1,000 times before and with more devastating results than a scraped up head and that's why the warning is there. Fellow mommies, I hope you're encouraged by my mistake today :)
April- I just love your heart! Thanks for sharing your "mistakes" with your friends and family and for being so transparent. :) I am with you on the organic's so hard to know where to start. We get our beef from my dad so we know it's all hormone free and what goes into the meat. You can usually find someone who raises cattle (not sure about Hawaii!) locally and for around $500 get a freezer full of meat (which is actually lots cheaper than the store per pound and you know where it comes from!). That's if you even eat red meat cause lots of "experts" say that's bad for you. :) Just a thought.
My heart aches for you and Paytons little head! I think he is holding the world record for the most bad bumps to the head for toddlers at his young age. It seems mishaps were happening from one side of the map to the other yesterday.I love you. Please kiss Payton today on his ouchy from Grandma Ginger. xo
This is preparing you for the times when he comes home with a sport's injury, I guess. How wonderful though that Jesus protects our precious children from more serious falls and HE is always there to wrap His arms around them with love and tendreness.
Love you guys.
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