Monday, May 15, 2006

Trip to Pensacola

This past weekend I went to Pensacola to see Jonathan.
We had a great time hanging out at the beach and enjoying the sun.
I was also able to spend some much over due time with Trisha.
JB also took me to the church he's been going to over the past month.
It was great and I definitely think it's a place we'll continue to enjoy.
As for me...I'm still working nights.
My next doctor's appointment is Thursday and we're really praying
she'll make the recommendation for me to go back to days.
I just don't adjust to nights and I become very moody and emotional
(as if being pregnant isn't bad enough).
JB is doing great in Florida.
He's passed all of his tests so far, including the swimming.
He has two tests left in API and should finish on June 2.
I'll update you on the baby after my appointment Thursday.
It seems like my belly gets a little bigger every day.
We also scheduled our 19/20 week ultrasound for June 14th.
I can't wait to find out if the baby is a boy or girl!
Thank you for praying for us and for checking for updates on the site.
Please keep us updated on how things are back home (TX and OH)!
We miss you!


Anonymous said...

Aaahhh! You two look great! I miss you! the new suit! :)Praying for the night shift to go away. Love mom

Andy and Julie Emerine said...

Wow April! That suit is so cute on you! I bet JB sings the song "One hot momma..." to you!! Hehe! I wish I be there with you! I miss you my friend :) I can't wait for your next update!!!
Love, Julie

Anonymous said...

You look great! The girls LOVE seeing you and keeping updated on the events!

Miss you!
Much Love!