Friday, June 06, 2008

A Day in the Life of Payton...June 2008

Here are a bunch of random pictures of Payton I had on my camera. He's pretty funny these days and finds random things around the house to keep himself entertained. There are only a few here but if you go to the following link you'll see many more. Enjoy!


The Gaeta's said...

He is growing into such an adorable little man. There is a picture of him sitting in his diaper on the floor and he really looks like Jonathan in the picture and you can really tell he's getting older. Great pictures! Look foward to the ultrasound/belly photos. Take Care,


Anonymous said...

Hi April,
I was reading an old e-mail from you and found this blog. I was able to read your family updates each month. How exciting living in HI! Your son is so adorable. Someone recently asked about you but I hadn't heard from you in a while. Glad I found you!
I bet it was hard giving your dog away but hopefully he's in an active family.
Glad you are doing well with your pregnancy now. I do remember so much fatigue before and after the birth.
Glad all is going well.