Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Chubby Payton Pictures

Maybe it's all the ice cream Mommy eats?!
Payton has gotten SO chubby in the last few weeks!
Here he is...watching TV with Daddy...And lovin' it!
He started grabbing his feet about a month ago! It's adorable! Any guesses on who he looks like in this picture? Another chubby picture!
Watchin' TV with Daddy and
wearin' my cute "Swinger" shirt
Emily bought me!
Grandma Ginger...You'd be happy to know
Payton is no longer being swaddled!
We're happy about it too...It was such a pain!


Ginger said...

Oh how freeing!!! :)See you soon little man...have fun with nana Wanice! Love Grandma Ginger

Laura S Scott said...

george just came in the room and said...woah, he looks just like his dad! I love the chubby cheeks. I just wanna squeeze him!!

Unknown said...

Happy Easter! Everyone looks so great! Payton looks just like April in her baby picture. General looks great, too! Take Care, Joanna