Two New Videos...Enjoy!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
More Boy Parts
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Me and My Hunny...
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Fourth of July Party and BIG Family Updates...
Jonathan and I recently bought a new camera so we've been able to get some really good pictures of Payton!
During our Fourth of July party we let the kids play in the pool and Jonathan sprayed them with the hose. Payton loved it!
Here is Payton with some of his friends. They had a blast dumping water on each other with Payton's watering cans!
This is a rare occurance...A picture without Payton :)
I put this one on here so you could see the growing baby belly!
Payton enjoyed tasting the sidewalk chalk. It's a good thing it was non-toxic.
Payton enjoyed his 4th of July cupcake!
Here he is with some of his friends playing in the pool!
Jonathan is spraying him with the hose in this picture!
More Water Fun
Here he is with his baseball and new slide.
He loves it and gets SO excited everytime he loses it and then finds it again!
I love our new camera. The shutter speed is SO much faster and we're actually able to catch some of Payton's cute facial expressions.
Update on Jonathan
Jonathan finished up the training syllabus for the 53 D and checked into his new sqaudron last Monday. On Thursday he was surprised when he was told he would be leaving for Korea on July 11th. He is due to come home on August 15th, 5 weeks later and just 8 days before my due date of August 23rd. While in Korea he'll be doing functional check flights on helicopters that need work, etc. It's a great deal for him and he'll be getting a lot of flight time while there. Please pray for his safety and his return prior to me delivering Sawyer.
Update on April
I have been doing pretty well. My most recent doctor's appointment was about a week ago and the baby is doing great. My belly is measuring right at 33 weeks, although I feel much bigger! I have another appointment in a week and then our final ultrasound on July 28th. We should get a good idea on the 28th how big the baby will be. We're all interested to find out since he's been measuring several weeks bigger in comparison to his gestational age. I'm a little nervous that I might go into labor before Jonathan gets back but I'm thankful that Wanice (Jonathan's mom) is going to be able to come out and help me out for a few weeks before he returns. Thank the Lord for teachers and their summers off of work!
Update on Payton
Payton is getting closer and closer to 2! He's almost 21 months old and showing his preferences more and more every day. He's already showing a little of my OCD as well! He picks up trash and throws it away, puts glasses on coasters, and insists that things be arranged a certain way in the house. He's really funny! He's also talking up a storm and says things like "bebe (baby)", "ball", "batt", "go, go, go", "mama", "dada", "bedroom", "car", "out", "more", "oof (movie)", "nigh, nigh", "Cyde (Clyde is his favorite stuffed monkey that never leaves his side)", "all done", "water", "cracker", "cookie", "juice", "hot" and much, much more. He even says some things in sign language including "more", "please", "thank you", "light" and "apple." He's also learning that sometimes there are "consequences" for hitting, throwing fits, throwing food, kicking Mommy's belly, et cetera...If you know what I mean :) He is absolutely obsessed with his miniature Rangers batt and any type of baseball or softball and everytime we drive past a baseball field in the car he starts yelling "ball" even if there aren't any people on it. All in all he's really sweet and loves to cuddle up on the couch while watching Baby Einstein.
We hope you enjoy the updates. We'll try to send out another one at some point to let you all know how Jonathan is doing in Korea. I only have 7 more weeks until Sawyer is due to arrive. Please pray he doesn't come anytime before Jonathan returns. Take care and keep in touch!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Playdate with Arden...
Payton had a playdate today with a friend, Arden.
They played so well together!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Just a Quick Update...
I had a doctor's appointment today and everything looked good.
-The baby's heartbeat was in the 14o's and strong.
-His head is down, which is good.
-I gained almost 3 more pounds in the last two weeks.
-I'm 32 weeks and 3 days now.
I think that's all for now. I go back on the 17th and will update you again then!
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